After coffee on the dock and eating our breakfast bits, we noticed the 'patio' was being towed away. This was a floating dock that was in the slip next to Maxine, and where we gathered with our chairs and dinner last night. It was dubbed 'Margaritaville'.
We listened to Channel 14 to hear the traffic going through the locks. Scrimshaw was making it's way down. This was a boat the Tollycrafters told us had just departed for Lewiston when we were at Beacon Rock. I didn't hear, but if they got all the way to Lewiston, it was one FAST trip, to meet them coming down a week later!
So here we go merrily marching into the lock. We secure our lines, and I snap a few pictures. Then the huge doors begin to close, with a big, deep, ominous 'boom' at the end.
Yikes. If I hadn't done this already elsewhere, I might be a little nervous. We think this lock fills differently from the others we have been in because of the definite current from starboard toward the wall, pushing us firmly onto the wall and squishing and scuffing our fenders.
Al, tending lines |
There was a minor incident when Al was using a boat hook to push us off the wall, and he somehow dropped it. Luckily, they float, and he was able to use our other hook to retrieve it. Yay!
I was afraid that by leaving The Dalles we would be leaving the beautiful part of our trip behind. But I was wrong! Coming out of the lock, I was struck by the beauty of the day!
Bright sunshine, glassy water prettily disturbed by Brigadoon, and --surprise!-- Mt. Hood! I had forgotten he was behind us!
The tall green walls of the Gorge have now given way to stark brown-yellow-sage colored hills and jagged rocks.
Here's a cool picture of a train--he blew his horn for us!
A very light breeze ruffles our cruise pennant.
Brigadoon rounds the northeast portion of Miller Island, which is much bigger than I had envisioned, even after looking at the chart. And it is very rocky also. From our anchorage, I can only see two small trees, near the waters edge.
To the north and east of us, we see a wind farm. Windmills turning slowly and gracefully along the ridge, nearly as far as we can see!