Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Favorite time of the year!

Seems that every two or three months one finds themselves calling it their 'Favorite time of year'. Fall with the changing leaves, Winter with it's crisp snows. Spring with Blooming Flowers, and Summer with, well, come on. It's Summer.

But this is truly one of my favorite times of the year. Yes, weather is improving. Yes, Birds are abundant, flowers flowering, grass growing, etc... And yes, we no longer need the furnace. But this is a favorite time of the year for another reason.

Here is a picture from our deck at 10:00pm (2200). It is almost like a switch, but starting NOW I can watch the sunset, and then watch the setted sun. See, this is the time when we can see the sun setting and then see it continue its path after it has set. At Lo 45N we do not get the Midnight Sun, but we do get to see the effect over the horizon. Over the next couple of weeks I get so excited as the 'after glow' is visible for upwards to an hour after sunset. ----- It is a magical time ----- Then June 21st (give or take 12 hours) comes, and it all starts to go away.

Well, for the next three weeks I will be like an excited kid at Sun Set. Watching not only the Sun Set, but also the after glow as it makes its way north. My Favorite time of year!

And for those who care (or are taking JN), that is Capella at the top of the photo.

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