We left the dock at Friday Harbor on March 2 to begin our 2016 cruising season!
A series of storm with high winds were expected, so we went to our favorite hidey hole, Blind Bay, and had a good old time! In two and a half weeks we only got off the boat twice, for an hour each time, when we went across to Orcas Landing for some fresh groceries.
When the weather settled, we moved to Eagle Harbor on Cypress Island for a couple of nights. Then we went to Anacortes for a day. And we sure made the most of that day! We went to Starbucks twice, Lucky Chopsticks for lunch, and Village Pizza for, yes, pizza. Al also got and installed a new fuel pump for our Hurricane hydronic heating system.
Then back to Blind Bay for another storm.
Yesterday we came in to Friday Harbor. I needed to re-stock for some knitting projects. I finished SIX small projects in a month, and I was worrying that I would run out of things to keep me busy over the summer. Hard to believe I have only really been knitting just over a year. And Al had an appointment for regular bloodwork.
That done, we did some house-keeping -- taking several books and other items up to the 'give and take'. And just 24 hours after coming IN, we went OUT.
We took just a VERY short trip to Turn Island. It's hard to believe we haven't stopped here before. And maybe today's weather has much to do with it, but it is a very delightful place!
What a great start to the day! Bright sunshine, clear blue skies, just a touch of frost on the dock, and glassy water. |
Two of the newest ferries in the fleet -- Salish on the left is doing the inter-island route. Pronounce that Say-lish. Samish is on the right, heading for Anacortes. That's Sam(the man's name)-ish. |
The best day we've had yet, we MUST put the dinghy down and go explore. Viking Star on the left, with a sailboat neighboring, while a ferry approaches Friday Harbor. |
The dinghy cover needed a good scrubbing and then we draped it over the barbeque to dry in the sunshine. But Viking Star sure looks pretty anyway. |
We packed our books and a snack and found a picnic table on the lee side of the island. Here's our view. |
Ah, THIS is the life!