We departed Olympia on Monday unsure of where we would end up. We had had some discussion about a destination, but no decision had been made. Totten and Eld Inlets had both been unexplored by us on our South Sound travels, so at least it was narrowed to one or the other. Al finally declared "Sunset Beach, Eld Inlet -- that's where I want to go."
There were big, beautiful homes on the shore closest to Olympia, and smaller, more modest homes on the northern shore. There were a few waterski boats motoring around, but it was otherwise a peaceful anchorage. We decided to stay for all of Tuesday also. But on Wednesday, we declared we were bored, and we wanted to move. Again, debate on where to go -- Hope Island? McMicken? Joemma State Park?
Then via facebook, we had an invitation to go to Jarrell Cove, help fellow Cascadians Tami and Sully take the outboard off their new boat, and go to their house for dinner.
Good friends, good food, and a beautiful view are a good cure for boredom!
BUT -- we got a double dose! Over a month ago we had been to Pam and Cliff's house, and were loaned books, and we wanted to return them before our planned departure from the South Sound. They have a convenient mooring buoy in front of their house, which had been newly inspected the day before, so Thursday afternoon, we headed across Case Inlet.
We grabbed the buoy with no problem, sounded our little orange dinghy horn, and departed for shore. I should have learned last weekend that, though flip flops are kind of nice to jump from the dinghy and wade through the water, they are NOT the best footwear for carrying said dinghy across barnacle-crusted rocks and broken mussel shells. I DO have 'water shoes' -- perhaps I will dig them out for our next excursion, since Pam graciously doctored my shell-stabbed foot.
It is a beautiful sunny afternoon with shared beverages and shared conversation, and Pam and Cliff share dinner with us also.
The table is set, and Viking Star is comfortable, floating off shore |

After dinner, the borrowed books are returned, but -- surprise! -- five more are back in the bag. Never fear. If we cannot get them back when we return for a fall haul out, we can always mail them home.
We are back at the boat when we hear Pam calling across the water -- Kristi, you left your coat! I have always said that leaving something behind is an unconscious desire to return. But I didn't have to wait long to get my coat back -- Al took the dinghy in and retrieved it.
Once again on the boat, we settle in for the last bit of sunlight and reading a few pages from our books on the back deck. It is a spectacular sunset! (We hear they have been enhanced lately by smoke from Russian wildfires.)
Even Viking Star cannot resist turning towards the glory! |