Thursday, August 27, 2009
A nice ending....
We enjoyed a peaceful ending to the 2009 District 32 Cruise....The only exception being about the worst case of 'land sickness' I have experienced as of yet. After three weeks on the boat with time off the boat spent in other moving vehicles, it was QUITE disconcerting to sit at the breakfast table in a large room and feel the world rocking!
Most participants in the cruise left the docks at St. Helens before noon on Sunday. We stuck around until late Monday morning and then we mosied up the Multhomah Channel, stopping at Scappose to drop something off for a friend's boat. We moved on to an anchorage in the North Portland Harbor to wait for high tide. Water levels are quite low at this time of year, and we have been experiencing some difficulty getting into/out of our moorage. While waiting we had quite a few visitors!
Steve Hankins and his wife also came by in their boat. They had admired Viking Star from afar, and came for a closer look. They were a pleasant and friendly couple and we enjoyed passing an hour in their company.
The sunset was a perfect end to the day. I have taken several shots of our Beaverton Sail and Power burgee--here is the latest. Where have you taken YOUR burgee?
Friday, August 21, 2009
Troy's first 'overnight' on the boat
Since the back of the boat was 'too sunny' we spent most of the time at the bow, riding the waves. 'Papa' even joined us with his remote control to steer the boat, and Troy got a turn at the wheel. Troy was very interested in all the big ships we saw at anchor. We also observed, TWICE, an osprey pull fish from the river!
At the dock in St. Helens, entertaining a small boy became more challenging. The Leapster came out for a bit. Then we explored the playground where Troy became a spider, and took a spin in another boat. Later, people began setting up stands for the weekly market held near the park. They brought children! All took care of entertaining each other, and Troy had a blast.
The band 'Rambling Rose' played from 6-9 PM, but we left after the raffle drawing at 8. There was enough hot water for Troy to take a much needed shower, and to do the dishes. A snack, bedtime story and a flashlight, and we were ALL tucked into bed.
I awoke to the flash of Troy's light under our door and his complaint that the light wasn't working. A trip to the head, and words to point out that there was plenty of light coming in his window satisfied him, and he went directly back to sleep. I stumbled back to my bed and checked my phone, surprised to find it was already 5:15. I have been awake since. But Troy sleeps on. It is now after 9 AM.
Troy's father will be picking him up here this evening. Then Al and I will hope to relax and enjoy the rest of the cruise meeting with fellow Power Squadron members. Troy has had a hard time understanding that 'cruising' also includes being tied at the dock.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Installing the Generator!
From Kristi:
After two weeks, I am getting to know the neighborhood pretty well. I have Costco, Winco, Goodwill and my bank all scoped out. And yesterday after driving around with Al to Home Depot and Parkrose Hardware, I think I would be comfortable being sent on errands to those locations as well.
Most of our running around yesterday was in preparation of moving the generator onboard. Thank you Dave, Sean, and Miles from the steamship Tortoise for the assistance! Many hands make light work? Well it sure helped.

After two weeks, I am getting to know the neighborhood pretty well. I have Costco, Winco, Goodwill and my bank all scoped out. And yesterday after driving around with Al to Home Depot and Parkrose Hardware, I think I would be comfortable being sent on errands to those locations as well.
Most of our running around yesterday was in preparation of moving the generator onboard. Thank you Dave, Sean, and Miles from the steamship Tortoise for the assistance! Many hands make light work? Well it sure helped.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Al warned me this would happen!
I am just surprised it happened so quickly! He said 'Just wait until you can't keep track of what day it is!'

Twice this week I had to stop and think about it, and I STILL wasn't sure! On Wednesday (which I thought was Thursday) I stopped downtown at Pacific EyeTrends to pick up the Cinzia sunglasses I won from the Europa Eyewear launch party--Thank You Holly! Jo, Heidi and Anna all invited me to return on Friday for the frame show they were hosting, and laughed at me when I had to ask what day it was. My excuse was a muddled brain from playing with grandchildren all day, and the 'Eau de Baby' on my shoulder from Emrie's eruption.

Last night, Al and I strolled once again to the Sheriff's dock just upriver, this time just sitting on the bench at the boat ramp to watch. I don't remember how the subject came up again, but I had to ask what day it was.
This just won't do! I HAVE to know when it is Saturday, to fully appreciate not having to work!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
One Advantage
Last night I was reminded of one advantage to boat life. The power went out on the Portland side of the river! But I think it even took us awhile to notice, because we have these fabulous batteries that provide power when the electric company cannot!
We could have watched TV, but there are so many re-runs on right now. Al set up the computer to watch a DVD. It was enjoyable evening.
Then, since the mattress directions said you could enjoy it right away, BUT it may take up to 72 hours to fully 'fluff', I made up the bed. Seems I brought our sheet sets to the boat, but our full-size blankets are still packed away somewhere. I found a larger quilted throw and being summer and once again sleeping next to my furnace of a husband, the covering was adequate.
Unfortunately, I did not sleep well. Especially since for a time this morning, it seemed air traffic was heading EAST on the runway, making it MUCH quieter on this end! Yet I was up before 6.
Off to play with the grandkids soon. They will tire me out, and perhaps I will sleep better tonight.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Bed Ho!!!
Was actually and pleasantly surprised that digging through the
Staging Unit did not take that much time to get the bed out. Popped it into the truck, and after making sure all was ready placed it on the platform.
Instructions say it can take up to 72 hours to fully expand. I
expect it might take this long as this mattress was purchased about 2 years ago....
So, maybe tomorrow we can move to the Master Bed!
Ha. Progress.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Reflections on Retirement and Boat Life
This morning I was once again rudely awakened by a jet taking off overhead--we are located literally at the end of the PDX runway.
Morning coffee included a 'Goose Parade'! They reminded us of Christmas Ships--cruising single file through the marina, pausing for a curtsy toward Viking Star (I think they were just checking to see if we would share breakfast).
Al is away today, helping his son Michael to move the Firebird once again. Hopefully THIS will be the location it will stay at for a time, and restoration will resume.
So. I am taking a relaxing day. I again braved the marina shower with it's large hot water tank. I wanted a leisurely shower in which to wash and condition my long hair and to shave my legs. In the onboard shower I can EITHER wash and condition my hair, turning off the spray in between rinses, OR shave my legs. On occasion, both processes should be done on the same day. At present impossible; until the 'on demand' water heater is installed, I will have to make concessions.
Then I packed up our new mini-laptop and parked myself at Starbucks. It is my first time logging onto internet outside of our own network! And I proudly have figured out on my own how to download a single photo from our camera and post it here on the blog.
So, how do I like 'retirement' and boat life so far?
Processes on the boat seem to take a lot longer. We have elected not to have a microwave. The space it takes is too precious. And it is probably healthier for us to not be eating the many processed foods that can be heated in the appliance. There is no dishwasher, other than hands in the sink. There is still not 'a place for everything' so items are moved onto the bunks during the day, and onto the cabin floor at night. Clean clothes store more compactly than dirty ones fluffed into the basket, so laundry must be kept up on. At present that entails packing everything down and back to the laundry facility at the end of the dock.
Al says we need to figure out how to get more exercise on the boat. Are you kidding? I do deep knee bends while bending to vacuum, stretches to sweep the spider webs that grow every day. Climbing the boat ramp takes the place of a stairmaster on every car trip or garbage run, and grocery shopping is my weight lifting. The fridge is mini-sized, so frequent trips are needed. I have gone to the grocery twice in the past week. And since the boat is still essentially a wood shop there is more stretching and bending to do frequent dusting.
Oh. One thing I have missed....a full-size mirror. I guess that means I will have to work on being less concerned with my appearance.
Yesterday I spent the day playing with Madalyn and Evan--the Miramontes grandchildren. Next week I will have to pick a day to visit the Tovey grandchildren. Emrie is growing so fast! Troy wants to come spend a night at the boat. We will have to arrange that soon too.
One week down.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
First Coat!
First Coat
There is something magical about the 1st coat of Varnish. The way nice wood turns into WOW wood; it is just such a transition. 2nd coat is almost as good as the 1st, gaining a bit more depth. 3rd is nice as well. 4 and 5 are, well, just work. And I tend to stop there, sorry you '12 Coaters'.
But that 1st coat -- Wow!
This afternoon I got to do the 1st coat on the bed. Looks nice. And now I get to sit on the aft deck with Kristi, sharing a Beer and 80-degree weather.
Yes, I do love that 1st coat.
Franken Bed, and 1st Guests at our 'New Home'
Almost there! Yesterday I finished the outside framing and headboard on the bed! It all looks pokey, or Frankenstein-ish if you will. (They are the Bung Plugs to cover the screw holes).
Today I will trim the bungs flush, and do a final Sanding (always
Sanding....), and we get to start the Varnish cycle! 5 coats later
(I know, not the Purist who looks to 12 coats as a good start), and we get to put down the mattress! YEA! Will be nice (and odd) to have the real master bed in place. But before then, well, we do need to dig the mattress out of the Staging Unit.
Also last night we had out 1st House Guests. Dave and Patty came over for dinner before they needed to pick up some folks at the Airport. Given that we are perhaps a 5 minute drive from the Airport, not too bad of a way to wait :-)
Kristi had the main cabin looking nice, Girls are good to have around I keep saying....
Sunday, August 2, 2009
I Live on a Boat!
After church today, Al and I returned to the friend's house I have been staying at, and we packed up all the stuff (I was supposed to have gone through), filling the car, and went to the boat!
NOW, I can say, I live on a boat!
At least until we figure out this job situation, and perhaps rent something in Vancouver.
NOW, I can say, I live on a boat!
At least until we figure out this job situation, and perhaps rent something in Vancouver.
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