The National Cathedral is simply magnificent! |
After services we walked down the hill, fortified ourselves with a visit to Starbucks, and then crossed into the National Zoo. We were here especially to see the Pandas, but we had to hunt for them! We had assumed since it was such a nice day that they would be outside. We overheard several people say that no one could see them. Finally we saw a zoo keeper cleaning one of the outdoor enclosures, and he told us that they were inside for the day, and told us how to get there. We first saw a research station, then the bears. I was surprised that they were in separate enclosures. The first we saw was quietly eating his bamboo and was easy to photograph.
He's smiling, just for Ryker! |
Poor Tiger! It must have been past his feeding time. He kept pacing from door to door, 'RAWR'-ing all the time. They finally let him in.
Prairie Dog |
Ha ha! Can you read the sign? |
What pretty pictures! DC is a beautiful place to roam around in. So many gorgeous (and quirky) areas to take photos of and enjoy. I love the elephant!