Monday, January 20, 2014

Prairie Wildlife

Kristi here.

It will be interesting to make observations of life in Minnesota.  While I have visited many times over the years, the last WINTER I lived here was '85/'86.  The locals say that it has been a tough year so far, with lots of snow and COLD.

I have found that my winter driving skills are much like the proverbial 'riding a bike' -- you just don't forget.

You would think that caring for elderly parents in their home would be mainly a lot of sitting around.  HA!  I have been busy cooking / cleaning / chauffeuring / shopping.  But there is some entertainment right outside the front window.

Mom likes to feed the birds, but the other day the bird feeder was a squirrel feeder!  These shots were taken through the window as the snow fell...

Hey!  Kick some out for ME!

Did you find it?

Oh, hello there!
We didn't see the bunnies visit, but they left plenty of evidence.

Prairie wildlife is very different from the seals, orcas, and eagles we have been used to for the past 5 years.

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