Monday, September 20, 2010

A Mostly Dry Day!

Our traveling companions hailed us around noon today, and around 1:30 we pull into the lock at Bonneville Dam, behind Brigadoon, and Maxine.  Once secured, it took half an hour for the lock to fill.

We had an audience as the gate closed behind us.

Native American fishing platforms and campsite

Bridge of the Gods, the man-made one.  Once upon a time there was a land bridge.

Sternwheeler Columbia Gorge, completes the three  sternwheelers in operation on the Willamette /Columbia Rivers.  See previous posts for the Rose, and the Queen of the West.

And though there were only moments of sunshine, there was no RAIN today!  Forecast tomorrow:  'Showers'


  1. Oh yeah, spent $40 more for groceries, but the dock is free. We have a permit for Washington State Parks, and the break-even is 7 nights to re-coup the costs. One more to go!

  2. Looks like quite an adventure so far. Keep posting the fantastic views! Let me know how many bullheads you catch (tee hee)


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