Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ugly Ass Boat
Monday, December 28, 2009
End of the season – time to Get Busy!
Here we are. Christmas is over, the New Year is close. Rose Bowl is Thursday! (Quack) It is this time of year that I typically start the Big Messy Projects. Like the time I took most of the main cabin roof off to replace rotten plywood. Or when I did the same to the aft cabin. Or, that one year (Kristi will remember) when I just started about 5 medium large projects all at once. In each case two things are true:
- It is COLD out there.
- The boat becomes totally disabled due to the mess…
- Wash the boat and cleanup from Christmas Ships
- Tuesday bring over a RIB we are looking to buy and see if it fits on the boat well.
- Travel to Seattle Wednesday to pick up the ‘real’ house batteries – these might live in the Pickup for a couple of weeks till I can roust up a couple of friends to help move them into the boat.
- Service the motor: Oil, Coolant, Filters all need changing.
- Order the Formica as well as a new kitchen sink.
- Start framing in for the aft cabin sink.
- Sand and paint the forward cutouts for portholes (now that it is above 35 outside.) Then can install the portholes.
And I am sure many other projects as time goes on. Well, it’s almost 9:00am, guess better get busy!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Only in the PNW...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Christmas Ships
Usually, we cruise at night-time. But this morning, we got up early and hung out on the Columbia River in front of Salty's Restaurant. It was a frosty, but beautiful morning! We got to watch the sun rise, and then were treated to breakfast, intermittent with interviews by one of our favorite TV personalities, Andy Carson, from KPTV's Good Day Oregon morning news program.

And for the curious, here is a photo of Viking Star from last year. Following the Christ part of Christmas we have a 10' star with the three wise-men looking towards it. If you want to see photos of more boats, as well as parade schedule, check out: www.christmasships.org
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Status Update
OK, the Devil Won this time . . . . .

Sunday, November 22, 2009
A bit of the devil, in two ways…
And over the past couple of weeks I have been adding fuel for those who think of Varnish as the Devil: I have been ADDING trim to the aft cabin. Here you can see a band at the roof line, plus around the aft hatch. I also have been making battens for the overheads (ceilings in a house) so that we can put some insulation into the overheads before we spend a few weeks aboard during Christmas Ships.
More Sanding, more Varnishing, Sanding, Varnish. Repeat.
Some people run from this. They look for a boat they can wash ‘like a bowl in the dishwasher’. Tupperware to me, Evil to them..
The other Devil I have been attaching is truly the Devil. Here you can see the where the outside decks meet the hull of the boat. That joint, or seam is known as the ‘Devils Seam’. I can only guess why, suspect it is because it is rather hard to keep instact as there is a lot of stress at that point, and hence a lot of movement. This is one of the last Big Projects on Viking Star, I need to clean them all out and re caulk them. Hopefully before we start taking Viking Star out into the rain for Christmas Ships. Not sure I will make it for all of them, but oh well. Just keep working on those Devils a little at a time I guess!
Also got the propane locker vent line in place. So, will be able to finish up the Propane locker and perhaps get the cook top installed.
And clean up the boat a bit – before Kristi reminds me of the Devil she seems to always be fighting. . . .
Friday, October 30, 2009
That’s Captain Al if you will.

Over the past 10 days I have been taking an all day training session and sitting for my tests to qualify for a proper Captains license. As you can see, it appears I was successful! My next step is to finish up the application package and submit it all to the Coast Guard. Then I will be able to be paid while operating a boat! The actual license I receive will be based on my time on the water and given what I have I will be asking for an Inland Masters 50 Ton. After another 180 days on the water I will be able to upgrade to a Masters 100 ton.
I am a bit proud of achieving this certification - it was a bit of work. Plus as Kristi noted we are no longer use to having to be up and somewhere by 0800, how easy it is to get soft :-) Some of you might know that I have already received a lot of training through the US Power Squadron (USPS.ORG), and in fact have completed all of their training courses through off shore / celestial navigation and now teach many of those same courses. I will easily say that my USPS experience greatly helped me over the past 10 days. In fact, with the exception of more material on Laws (CFRs), and duties of a Master I think I might have been able to purchased a study book and taken the test at the USCG directly. But I did enjoy (and did learn) from the 10 days focused course; Dennis has an excellent course and a ton of experience to share. Plus the cost of the course is covered by a retraining benefit in my separation package.
Ok. So What.
Good question. I really have no idea what I will use this for. And even with the separation benefit there are a few hundred $ out of our pocket. So, why did I do this? Guess it comes down to: I have a personal draw to the water, I believe in education and training, and there is a feeling of accomplishment in achieving a goal such as this. Plus there is that old common thread Kristi and I have learned: We really have little idea what she and I will be doing in the future (details I am talking here – Big Picture we are still marching towards). Who knows, perhaps a Captains license will come into play some time. (I also received my tow boat endorsement). Could be day cruises with folk, or a overnights. Could be moving or towing others boats. Could be on-the-water training of folks. Who knows. Could be nothing but a feeling of accomplishment.
One thing I do know: none of this will involve Viking Star. See, she is a foreign laid keel and as such is precluded by the Jones Act from being used in commerce to carry passengers. Other laws preclude her from carrying cargo or towing. But, there are ways around this: Act of Congress (not kidding about that), Pilot Small Boat Waiver Program with MARAD, a Prize of War (again, not kidding). Plus some obscure law (46 U.S.C. Appendix 14) which talks about ‘salvage’ and adding 3x value back into a boat. Perhaps all that work I have done on her over the years might play here? Hum….. “Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tail...”
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
What's Important.
My thoughts, in two parts:
And Prayer will be my net. I will fling it out there with the expectation of catching God's answers, of being fed by his Word, that I will have a greater purpose, and a great reward.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sleeping In
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Whats been going on with the Boat?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
As Promised, San Francisco Pictures
Friday, October 2, 2009
Moving Sharon's Boat
I am sorry I didn't get a picture of her safely tucked into her new slip, but we were hurried out of the way of another boat coming down.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Hello from San Francisco!
Christine is along too. She has a broken toe, which prevents her from work, but allows her to tag along for this trip. It is fun to show her around one of my favorite cities in the world. Yesterday we drove down Lombard, the crookedest street. And up to Coit Tower, and since the weather was quite clear, we got some fabulous photos from the top. Next we drove across the Golden Gate Bridge (cloaked in fog) to sunny Sauselito for lunch at an Italian bistro. And drove through Golden Gate Park, and strolled through the botanical gardens.
We do have to make concessions for Christine's toe. We move quite a bit slower, and have to consider our routes. Today we will be riding the cable cars, doing some shopping, and perhaps going to Alcatraz. They have a special tram for those unable to climb the hill to the prison, so she will have to take advantage of that!
All for now. Will post pictures later. The internet is quite intermittent in the room, so I am writing from the parlor.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Things have changed a bit...

- Wire up backup inverter
- Install larger battery bank
- Install Hydronic Heating system
- Hurricane
- Finish piping, circulation pump
- Interface to Motor and generator
- Interface to Diesel Stove
- Finish Generator
- Install water maker
- New Anchor platform
- Platform
- Rebuild Windlass
- Propane Locker
- Decks
- Devil Seam
- Bungs on deck
- Install aft cleats
- Sand / refinish lazzorete
- Finish Lazzorete
- Framing
- Rain water system
- Finish Hatches
- Install locking system
- Install wood access hatch in aft cabin
- Finish Aft Cabin
- Finish trim around Hatch
- Insulation
- Headliner
- Trim around top
- Drawers
- Install aft head
- Door
- Head
- LectraSan
- Kitchen
- Cook stove
- Doors
- Pollish Diesel Stove
- Banana Hanger
- Framing around refrigerator
- Soles (cork)
- Overheads in Main cabin
- Forward Cabin
- Overheads
- Trim
- Sink counter top and faucet
- Wash down system
- Raw water
- Fresh water
- Aft external shower
- Leaks
- Fly bridge
- Forward cabin around deck?
- Repair rotten framing Port side
- Trim and racks
- Forward helm station: Binoculars, Handheld, etc.
- Install SSB
- Procure EPIRB
- Dingy
- Sliding Door Locks
- Install AIS
- Install computer
- Flopper Stoppers
- New Mast
- Outriggers
- Flopper stoppers themselves
- Rain / Sun shades
Saturday, September 12, 2009
No longer liveaboards...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Wet and Wild Weekend
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Out with the OLD, In with the NEW
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
It's been a month.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
A nice ending....
Friday, August 21, 2009
Troy's first 'overnight' on the boat
Since the back of the boat was 'too sunny' we spent most of the time at the bow, riding the waves. 'Papa' even joined us with his remote control to steer the boat, and Troy got a turn at the wheel. Troy was very interested in all the big ships we saw at anchor. We also observed, TWICE, an osprey pull fish from the river!